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ScII Student Shines at UC Berkeley
Awards & Distinctions Blog Post March 28, 2023

ScII Student Shines at UC Berkeley

A final-year student from the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Integrated Innovation (BAScii) program has been feted during his stay at the University of California, Berkeley. Chawin Viriyasopon was selected from over a hundred Berkeley students to participate in.. Read more

BAScii International Students Narrate their Volunteer Experience in Chiang Rai Village
Blog Post February 10, 2023

BAScii International Students Narrate their Volunteer Experience in Chiang Rai Village

International students enrolled in Chulalongkorn University’s BAScii Program got their immersive experience in Thailand when they joined a group of volunteers at Mae Chan Tai village in Chiang Rai province. Organized by the Japan based Non-Profit Organization (NPO) GIAPSA (General.. Read more

Before we get to Design Thinking, let’s think of what we mean by Design
Blog Post November 7, 2022

Before we get to Design Thinking, let’s think of what we mean by Design

BLOG POST by Poomjai Nacaskul, Ph.D.Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (ScII),Poomjai.N@chula.ac.th — 2022.11.04  — These days, everyone and their grandmother will tell you that Design matters, and that Design Thinking drives all things innovative. But how many of us have taken.. Read more

Industry-Academia Cooperation and ScII IGA (Industrial and Global Alliances): An Intertwined Approach
Blog Post Partnership August 1, 2022

Industry-Academia Cooperation and ScII IGA (Industrial and Global Alliances): An Intertwined Approach

BLOG POST by Dr. Pietro Borsano, Pongsatorn Pichayakorn, and Shengyuan Jiangzhang. Dr. Pietro Borsano is Deputy Executive Director, Industrial and Global Alliances, & Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Core Business, Pongsatorn Pichayakorn and Shengyuan Jiangzhang are ScII third-year students. It\’s.. Read more

Humans are Predictive Animals, some are Better at it than Others
Blog Post July 25, 2022

Humans are Predictive Animals, some are Better at it than Others

BLOG POST by Dr. Poomjai Nacaskul, Faculty Member at the Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation. Poomjai.N@chula.ac.th2022.7.25 Humans are predictive animals. In fact, many, if not most, animals are predictive animals. But what do I mean by that? By saying that.. Read more

Detecting the Undetectable with Soft Sensors
Blog Post June 20, 2022

Detecting the Undetectable with Soft Sensors

Blog Post by Dr. Christopher Dixon, GIFTED Faculty Member at the Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (ScII). While I was a student in the UK, I worked part-time in a restaurant. As with all restaurants, the customer experience is of.. Read more

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