Course Description |
1) |
General Education Courses |
2) |
Core and Project Specialization Courses |
not less than |
90 |
credits |
2.1) Core courses |
not less than |
36 |
credits |
2.1.1) Core Business Management |
18 |
credits |
5601101* |
Entrepreneurship Management and Social Enterprise ENTRE MGT/SOC ENT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Fundamental knowledge entrepreneurship and startup to create value for business and society. Entrepreneurial process of opportunity identification for founder to startup and scale up. Effects of entrepreneurial attitude, orientation and characteristics on types of startup. Dynamics of founding team formation. Resources optimization, bricolage and lean concept. |
5601102* |
Financial and Accounting Management for Technology Business3 FIN/ACCTG MGT BUS |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This Accounting and Finance courses provides students with applied knowledge and specialized skills that will enable learners to understand the basic principles of Finance and apply them into real Entrepreneurship and Innovation case studies. During the first stage students will be introduced to the key concepts of Accounting and expand your knowledge in managerial accounting and financial analysis and projections; the second stage will introduce some risk management, governance, and venture management concepts, with some case studies. |
5601103* |
Marketing, Branding Sales Velocity MKTG BRD SALE VELO |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
The course aims to equip and familiarize students with marketing fundamental concepts and consumer behavior as un underpinning notion to their marketing education. The lectures embrace and integrate a mixture of concepts derived from various disciplines such as marketing management, strategy, psychology, sociology and anthropology, which are used to study and explain Marketing and Consumer Behavior. |
5601201* |
Technology Innovation Management TECH INNO MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course examines theories of innovation and their application to real-world business opportunities. A particular focus is placed on emerging scientific and technical innovations and the opportunities and challenges they present to both existing businesses and new venture entrepreneurs. This course explains how do firms and entrepreneurs bring in new business models and get new products and services to the market for enhancing the competitive advantage, through internal innovation, external innovation, and open innovation ecosystem. |
5601202* |
Digital Operation Management DIGI OPN MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course studies problems encountered by firms in production and operations from managerial perspective. It examines the principles and analysis of decision-making for optimizing the production and services operations. Emphasis is placed on the design of manufacturing and services systems, product design and development, design of service delivery processes, location selection, facility layouts, material requirement planning, enterprise resource planning, quality control, inventory control, and scheduling, in the context of the digital transformation of the economy. |
5601301* |
Business Modeling and Digital Transformation BUS MOD/DIGI TRFN |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Fundamental concepts of value chain and value creation in business processes, with a focus on transformational leadership and change management. Reconfiguration and inventing change in core business process. Managing change and transformation of strategic initiatives in collaboration with various functional and team. End-to-end transformation across business, technology, process and people. |
2.1.2) Core Technology |
18 |
credits |
5602101* |
Mathematics for Applied Digital Intelligence MATH APP DIGI INTL |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Limits; Continuity; Differentiation and Integration of a real-valued function of a single variable; Applications of derivative and integral; Permutation and Combination; Probability and Bayesian Concepts; Discrete and Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Concepts of Centroid, Variance and Standard Deviation; |
5602102* |
Introduction to Computer Programming COMP PROG |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Fundamental Concept of Procedural and Object-oriented Programming Languages: Variable and Object Declarations; Iterative Instructions; Conditional Instructions; I/0 Instructions; Basic Graphics Library Functionality; Functions and Sub-programs; File Handling Instructions; Types of Sub-program Call; Visual Instructions; Applications; Understand basic Object-Oriented Programming concepts (inheritance, abstract classes, interfaces, polymorphism, extensions, encapsulation); Introduction to Algorithms and Recursion. |
5602103* |
Introduction Multi-Media and Computer Networking INTR MM/COMP NETWK |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Function of computer networks; representation of computer networks; modeling of computer networks; networking transmission media and protocols; representation of multi-media data; QoS (quality of service) in computer networks; protocols involved in multi-media communication; wireless and mobile networks; Recently Emerging Technologies (in networking and multi-media) including Internet of Things (IoT). |
5602201* |
Data Structure and Algorithm DATA STRUC ALGOR |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Abstract Data Types; Linked Lists; Array; Trees; Queues; Stack; Sorting; Searching; Array-based Sequences; Recursion; Maps and Hash Tables; Search Trees; Graph and Graph Algorithms, String Matching;. |
5602202* |
Cognitive Human Factor in Design COG HUM FAC DES |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Cost of interaction; Usability concepts; Perception; Attention; Memory; Human Learning; Individual Differences; Human Mind in Usability Design; Quantitative Evaluation of User Experience; Return on Investment; Data Analytics and User Experience; Customer Journey Map; Apply HCI and Usability Principles Through Web Design (HTML/CSS/JavaScript). |
5602301* |
Applied Artificial Intelligence APPLY AI |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Game Playing, Logic Reasoning; Concept of Rule-Based Decision; Fundamental Fuzzy Logic; Basic Neural Supervised and Unsupervised Learning; Applications of Al Methods. |
2.2) Project and Specialization Courses |
not less than |
54 |
credits |
2.2.1) Projects |
5603101* |
Project Seed I PROJ SEED I |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students have the opportunity to conduct an independent research project with guidance from their faculty advisor which must be approved to make sure it meets academic, health and safety criteria. The advisor and the student develop a learning plan for the semester and regular meetings take place to discuss the student’s project. Students are expected to hand in written work on a regular basis. Students may not repeat the same course number for credit either in the same or in a different semester. |
5603102* |
Project Seed II PROJ SEED II |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students have the opportunity to conduct a team research project with guidance from their mentor (one per team) to make sure they meet an expected outcome of this subject which is workable prototype. The mentor and the student develop a learning plan for the semester and regular meetings take place to discuss the student’s project. Students are expected to report their project progress on a weekly basis to the instructor. |
5603201* |
Design-Build Project I DES BUILD PROJ I |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
The journey of crafting a promising startup has reached to almost the end of the underworld tunnel. Project Seed 3 subject emphasizes the creation of Minimal Viable Product (MVP) which is one step closer to the production stage or commercialization stage. Student will be introduced to various tools that use to develop MVP as well as several techniques that are implemented by various successful startups to obtain reasonable number of tractions. The journey will also touch base on how to develop a proper company including company registration process and vesting technique. |
5603202* |
Design-Build Project II DES BUILD PROJ II |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
Product development is the core element in this subject. Our big main goal for this series of subject is to ultimately solve a user problem. Up to now, the question that we need to answer is “Can you sustainably deliver the solution?” This subject aims to provide comprehensive knowledge, tool, and technique to the student with a view to assist the student in developing a profitable business. This subject focus on the designing a sustain business model which include the design of pricing mechanism, development of sales process, identify the cost of customer acquisition, estimating the lifetime value of your customer, and developing the product.
5603301* |
Production and Entrepreneurization I PROD ENTRE I |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
Short-term design and build project related to major area of interest to understand the process of streamlined production of a physical solution.
5603302* |
Production and Entrepreneurization II PROD ENTRE II |
3 (1-2-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Short-term design and build project related to major area of interest to understand the process of a streamlined production of a physical solution.
5603401* |
Senior Project I SENIOR PROJ I |
6 (1-9-8) |
Prerequisite: None |
Production and research documentation of a scalable project of choice. Project must have innovation and promising commercial value. Intellectual properties must be registered and valuated.
5603402* |
Senior Project II SENIOR PROJ II |
6 (1-9-8) |
Prerequisite: None |
Production and business plan of a scalable project of choice. Project must have innovation and commercial value and is partially funded by government agency or industry.
2.2.2) Specialization |
A) Health and Wellbeing |
5604201* |
Human Body and Mind Wellness HUM BODY/MIND WELL |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Introduction to individual health and wellbeing, overview of wellness concepts including mental, physical, social, emotional, vocational and spiritual aspects, special interest is given to community health services and to school health and safety problems. |
5604202* |
Human Diseases and Disabilities HUM DIS/DISAB |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Understanding of the origin and contributing factors to the occurrence of various human diseases and disabilities and how they may be treated by clinical professionals, recognizing unique signs and symptoms of diseases that may be found in a health record or clinical tests for accurate diagnosis, treatment methods and equipment for common human diseases and disabilities. |
5604203* |
Health and Social Behavior HLTH SOC BEH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Theoretical and analytical strategies for characterizing public health problems, behavioral, bio-behavioral, and social sciences as related to public health in program planning and evaluation, the role of race/ethnicity, culture, class, and gender in influencing physical and mental health status, interactions between the individual and society, and ethical issues in the design and implementation of community-based interventions. |
5604204* |
Sports, Exercise, and Lifestyle SPORT EX LIFESTY |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Impact of psychological, behavioral, social, and biological interactions on sports, exercise, and lifestyle, specific physiological and psychological benefits associated with exercise are addressed along with health promotion, intervention, and adherence. Innovations and business opportunities in sport and exercise industry.
5604205* |
Innovations and Future Trends in Cell and Molecular Biology Technology Disabilities INNO TREN CMB |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Molecular genetics; study of cells and the macromolecules that define their structure and functions; innovations and future trends in cell and molecular biology.
5604206* |
Anatomy and Physiology ANAT PHYSIOL |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Human anatomy and physiology: macroscopic and microscopic structures of human organs and physiology: how organs work together; the use of anatomy and physiology business to diagnose and treat diseases as well as to serve as the foundation for innovators or entrepreneurs.
5604301* |
Food and Drugs Technology for Wellbeing FD DRUG TECH WELL |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Key knowledge and understanding in food and drug technology for wellbeing including nutrition, food processing and preservations, food safety, food sanitation, food service, food packaging/labelling, food law and regulations, culinary art and science, sensory science, trends of commercial herb drug, Immunization and vaccine for wellbeing, food and drug product development to increase value of traditional foods and herbal medicine.
5604302* |
Persuasive Health Technology PERSU HLTH TECH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Development of persuasive health technology to support the monitoring and coaching of implicit and explicit psychological and behavioral processes of healthcare promotion, methods for increasing involvement and adherence through a user-centered design framework involving users, emerging technologies and context.
5604303* |
Integrated Innovation for Elderly Care INTG INNO ELD CARE |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Healthcare innovation within the field of healthy living and active aging, theories, tools and concepts for analyzing and developing viable innovative solutions for aging populations, demographic, biological, economic, social and cultural aspects of active aging and healthy living on current integrated innovation concept and methods.
5604304* |
Health and Environmental Impact Assessment HLTH ENV IMP ASSMT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Impact assessment of development projects on ecosystem, environment, health and quality of life, society and economics, environmental health impact assessment procedures, mitigation measures, impact monitoring and evaluation, and report preparation.
5604401* |
Health Hazard Identification and Prevention HLTH HAZ ID/PREV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Understanding and identifying health hazards, risk management in healthcare industry, organization plans, development and implementation of risk management strategies to prevent and mitigate financial losses, innovations that can help prevent and mitigate risks in health industry, development of strategies and tools that can reduce hazardous risks and improve the industry.
5604402* |
Health Logistics and Supply Chain Management HLTH LOG/SY CH MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Multiple, complex health systems that are organized in networks, improving the supply chain systematically from local care logistics to an approach based on health supply chain management and prevent the network from under-optimization, concepts, methods and tools used in the health industry and applying knowledge to improve service quality in healthcare organizations.
5604403* |
Psychology Technology and Innovation PSYCH TECH/INNO |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Psychological guideline to shape technology and innovation. Existing technological possibilities for psychological diagnosis, research, counseling and behavior modification. Psychological knowledge to ergonomically optimize the design and usability of new technology and new environments. Behavioral and ethical implications for new technology.
5604404* |
Managing Information in Health Care MNG INFO HLTH CARE |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Development of strategies to reduce costs and improve access to quality healthcare through use of technology, advancement from volume-based to value-based healthcare systems, skills to facilitate communication between clinical providers and technical staff, benefits and barriers associated with digital and virtual health while advancing the knowledge of training, evaluation and management of health industries.
B) Smart City & Inclusive Community |
5605201* |
Augmented and Hybrid Architecture AUG/HYB ARCH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Study of augmented and hybrid architecture enhanced with digital technologies to respond to new digital behaviors in physical spaces. |
5605202* |
Digital Construction Technology DIGI CONSTRUC TECH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Study of novel digital technologies for architectural construction, planning, inspection and maintenance. |
5605203* |
Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing COMP AID DES/MFG |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Study of novel computer-aided design and manufacturing technologies in construction of the future. |
5605204* |
Human-Computer Interaction in Architecture HUM COMP INTA ARCH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Study of human-computer interactions for ubiquitous computing and calm technology within architecture. |
5605205* |
Smart City Information Management SMART CITY MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Management, collection, and use of data from different parts of city to help understand the behavior of the population or infrastructure; how to create city data model and forecasting techniques; GIS application for data analysis; data driven city; sensing technology.
5605206* |
Smart Mobility Management SMART MBL MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Smart mobility concept from autonomous vehicle system, smart logistics, smart highway, to mobility as a service; technical knowledge on algorithms involved in smart mobility solutions and how to develop an application.
5605207* |
Social Enterprise for Smart Cities SOC ENT SMT CITIES |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Role of social enterprises in smart cities projects, working with the government sector and community stakeholders to obtain funding and ideas as well as to create business plan.
5605301* |
Intellectual Property Management INTL PROP MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
In a contemporary world greatly influenced by innovative technologies, it is critical for both innovators and firms to strategically manage their intellectual assets such as corporate data, users’ data, technological know-hows, trademarks, industrial designs, inventions, and contractual agreements. The course aims to achieve a thorough study on theory and practice of intellectual property (IP) and Data Security Management. It covers key concepts, various strategies, and their strengths and weaknesses in IP and data security management. In addition, by critically reviewing a number of actual cases, students will learn practical knowledge that can be applied in real life. Lastly, through group project activities, the course offers an opportunity for students to draft and present IP management plans for products and services of their own.
5605302* |
Packaging and Branding Design PKG/BRD DES |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Study of the design of product packaging, labeling and information. Branding design in various digital media and campaigns.
5605303* |
Urban History, Theories and Society URB HIST THEO SOC |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Fundamentals knowledge of urban history and theories. Incorporate critical thinking about cities. Review historical and key socio-economic processes and trends in urban development across time periods and cultural contexts.
5605304* |
Urban Ecology URB ECO |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Examine urban systems as ecological systems. Learn a holistic approach to the design and management of built infrastructure, cities and the environment. Topics includes alternative energy generation, waste production, green infrastructure, rain water harvesting, waste water management, urban agriculture and sustainable cities of the future.
5603505* |
Land Use, Mobility and Environment LAND USE MBL ENV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Learn current land use and mobility-related themes confronting many cities. Topics include rapid motorization and suburbanization, air pollution, infrastructure and mega infrastructure improvements, public-private partnership and other current and emerging topics. Learn how to develop strategic solutions to the land use-mobility environment challenges.
5605401* |
Human-Environment Interaction HUM ENV INTA |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Learn design principles of human environment interaction. Understand mental models and human direct manipulation of both digital and non-digital environment. Cover techniques for the various areas of application and development.
5605402* |
Intangible Cultural Heritage Development INTAN CULT HER DEV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Survey of various intangible cultural heritage and development of cultural resources for social and economic value.
5605403* |
Smart City and Urban Development SMART CITY URB DEV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Smart City concept, urban development approach from theory to practice from the technology perspectives, strategy and planning approach, urban policy formation, infrastructure required for sustainable city development.
5605404* |
Strategic and Creative Ideation STRAT/CREAT IDEA |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Strategies in creative design ideation for new product development in corporation or government environments.
C) Sustainable Development |
5606201* |
Sustainable operations and sustainability management SUS OPN/SUS MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course is organized around the core concepts of management and operational sustainability. Students will learn how scholars think about the management and operation of organizations that are environmentally sound. The course emphases on urban sustainability as the planet’s urban population continues to expand. It is structured into the following main sections: Value Chain Analysis, Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Communications. |
5606202* |
Financing the Clean Energy Economy FIN CLN ENGY ECON |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course focuses on the finance and market aspects of the clean energy economy and integrates technology, policy and finance to provide an understanding of both the opportunities and challenges. It also looks at energy efficiency, including two specific end-uses of energy that are responsible for most emissions: personal vehicles and buildings. Students in this class will learn the roles of technology, policy and finance in the transition to a clean energy economy. |
5606203* |
Sustainability of Food Production and Supply Chain SUS FD PROD SY CH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students in this course will learn how to discuss the drivers of agricultural production and climate change challenges. They will develop an understanding of sustainable production and productivity in relation to good agricultural practices, water and soil management and post-harvest practices. Students will also gain knowledge on the food production from a value chain perspective. By the end of this course, students should be able to develop an understanding of how agriculture is embedded in the ecological sphere and how it can be made more sustainable. |
5606204* |
Sustainable Urban Farming SUS URB FARM |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Theory and principles of sustainable urban agriculture focuses on the growth of healthy environments in an urban context. Explore the many ways to achieve a sustainable agricultural system whether a small backyard, rooftop garden or a small farm that can help build a local food secure community. Food sovereignty, global food systems and food safety, soil health, seed saving, growing practices, market opportunities and business development strategies are all explored in this course. |
5606205* |
Sustainable development and waste management SUS DEV/WASTE MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course provides an overview of the waste management situation covering key elements of the waste management system, with its technical, environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects. Students will learn about appropriate and already applied solutions through selected case studies as well as strategic planning and policy issues discussing future visions for waste management and the aspect of a circular and green economy.
5606206* |
Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development TECH GLOB SUS DEV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Many dimensions of sustainability and their relationship to economic growth, and the use of national, multinational, and international political and economic mechanisms including environmental and economic incentives to further sustainable development. The inter-relationship of global economic/financial changes, employment, and working conditions; the environment in the context of globalization, technology, trade, and employment; and the importance of networks and organizational learning are examined. Mechanisms for resolving the apparent conflicts between development, environment, and employment are explored.
5606207* |
Sustainability in Public Service SUST PUB SERV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Governance, policy, taxation, role and responsibility of the government sector; sustainable safety networks, and extension to public goods, and infrastructure.
5606208* |
Climate Change From Science to Action CLIM SCIENCE AS |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
GHG emission inventory and causes of the problems, including policies and practices to mitigate and adapt to the changing weather condition.
5606301* |
Energy Efficiency & Management and Innovation for renewable energy EFF MGT/INNO ENGY |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course explores the tension and ambiguity of energy and development issues such as energy planning and implementation as well as the potential of non-traditional energy businesses, projects and programs. It uses individual enterprise examples to examine resources & technologies, business & program models, policies & institutional approaches and the analysis of macro (country), meso (sector) and micro (transactions).
5606302* |
Socioeconomic Transformation for Sustainability SOCECON TRFN SUS |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course covers theories and practices associated with economic, environmental, and social transformation for sustainability. It offers an overview of historical/ political/ social backgrounds, key concepts and theories, different approaches to various related topics and areas in order for students to achieve both an in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of sustainability. With this knowledge and understanding, students will also have opportunities to discuss multiple issues related to the course topic through group seminar, and to analyze real-life sustainability projects in different fields and industries through a case-study analysis.
5606303* |
Circularity: circular economy and city CIR ECON CITY |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course explores the theoretical underpinnings of a circular economy, including the need for systems thinking, biomimicry and industrial ecology. It will focus on circular design principles and their use in different industries in the context of the city. Student will learn how cities reuse their resources to provide for housing, public spaces and urban qualities and how planning reduces the environmental impact of urban development. The course will also focus adaptive energy and waste and water resource management.
5606304* |
Clean Technology Entrepreneurship CLN TECH ENTRE |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
This course focuses on the finance and market aspects of the clean energy economy and integrates technology, policy and finance to provide an understanding of both the opportunities and challenges. It also looks at energy efficiency, including two specific end-uses of energy that are responsible for most emissions: personal vehicles and buildings. Students in this class will learn the roles of technology, policy and finance in the transition to a clean energy economy.
5606305* |
Building and Energy Performance Evaluation BLDG ENGY PERF EVA |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students in this course will learn and discuss how to evaluate sustainable buildings in terms of energy efficiency and human comfort through the advanced technologies such as Energy Modeling and Performance Evaluation. Students will be able to analyze energy uses (heating, cooling, lighting and equipment) and understand the energy behavior of buildings and people.
D) Applied Digital Intelligence |
5607201* |
Robot and Cybernetics Operation Management ROBO CYBER OPN MGT |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
The concepts, principle, problems and practices of operation management using robotic devices and intelligent systems in manufacturing and service industry. Topics include operation strategy, process design, capacity planning, facility design, forecasting, flow time management (cycle time), waiting & queues, inventory control, quality management (Six Sigma), quality assurance, security management, information management, and supply chain management. |
5607202* |
Machine Learning (Deep Learning) MAC LRNG |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Basic machine learning both supervised and unsupervised. Learning theory, reinforcement leaning and adaptive control. Recent applications of machine learning. |
5607203* |
IoT/Embedded Systems IoT/EMBED SYS |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Importance of IoT in society, the current components of typical IoT devices and trends for the future, IoT design considerations, constraints and interfacing between the physical world and device. Learn how to make design trade-offs between hardware and software as well as key components of networking. Understand how to connect device to the Internet, how to implement software configuration management and develop embedded software applications with ARM based Microcontrollers. |
5607204* |
Mixed Reality (AR/VR/MR) MIX REAL |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Explore the exciting field of augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality and the advanced concepts and technologies for interfacing humans to complex machines. Introduction to advanced human computer interfaces such as Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Tangible User Interface (TUI) technologies. Review interface design principles from human factors and technological perspectives. Investigate hardware, software and design aspects of virtual and mixed interfaces. Learn about interfaces designed and implemented in the fields of medicine, education, design and entertainment. Hands-on experience through series of tutorial sessions to provide basic skills on how to use different tools to develop simple interface application. |
5607205* |
Introduction to Machine Learning INTR MAC LRNG |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Introduction to machine learning, covering basic machine learning in both supervised and unsupervised learning theory.
5607206* |
Artificial intelligence and Robotics for Industry AI ROBOT IND |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Basic principles and concepts of automated and robotic systems; technical operations; history, development, applications of AI, robots and automated systems with an emphasis on agriculture and industry, including configuration of their operation, work process, components and control.
5607207* |
Game Design and Development GAME DSGN DEV |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Increase of the capabilities and artificial intelligence skills in game design and development; responsibilities of the production line; eliminating inequality in work; use of the ARSA Framework and Photoshop for design and presenting the project progress; collaboration with other organizations or work units.
5607301* |
Big Data Analytics BIG DATA ANA |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Overview of Big data, data analysis and data presentation in visual style, data mining, Big data technology and related tools will be provided, Basic program language to create Big data, basic training on setting environment for big data analytics, data query, data analysis using python.
5607302* |
Digital Trust, Privacy and Security (Blockchain)y DIGI TR PRIV SEC |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Design, implementation and evaluation of secured system; Able to differentiate between secured and unsecured system; Techniques for achieving and assessing security in computer systems such as multi-user, distributed computer system, block chain and APIs; physical security; biometrics; information flow models; cryptography; public-key and private-key concepts; authentication; security in electronic money and bitcoins; virus and malware; firewall; secure web browsers.
5607303* |
Agent Technology AGT TECH |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Principles of object technology. Agent base analysis, design, communication, system architecture and organization. Foundation for intelligent Physical Agents.
5607304* |
CCrowdsourcing and Social Computing CRWSOCG SOC COMP |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Understand how crowdsourcing and social computing work. Design social computing and crowdsourcing system to engage the large online groups from crowdsourcing to the design of online communities. Manage incentive and workflow for team-base crowdsourcing.
5607305* |
Management & HR Transformation in Digital Age MGT HR TRFN DIGI |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Digital transformation is the integration and acceptance of new technology in all areas of a business, enabling a more innovative and productive workforce. It's a people-centric process, which is why HR plays such an essential part. In this course, we explore the role of HR in successful digital transformation. Learn how to move recruiting online, implement digital learning and development, leverage cloud productivity tools, eliminate the performance review, and start incorporating data into your decision-making. The combinational effects of technology are accelerating change in organization. Plus, find out how transforming your employee experience, company structure, and culture will lead to increased innovation, productivity, and engagement.
5607401* |
Global Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization GLOB ENTRE COMLN |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
The innovative transformation of knowledge into new commercial products and services. The course provides a rigorous study of Global intellectual property management, licensing, the assessment of promising new technologies and technology-based entrepreneurship. Case studies of success and failure in technology commercialization, focusing on specific issues early stage ventures face.
5607402* |
AI and Robotic Application in Agriculture and Industry AI ROBO APP AG IND |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Learn basic principles of automated systems and the tasks that technicians perform on the job. Topics include the history, development, current and future applications of AI, robots and automated systems with an emphasis in Agriculture and industry including their configuration, operation, components and controls. Understand the basic concepts of automation and robotic systems.
5607403* |
Strategic Management and Reasoning STRAT MGT REASON |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
Learn the fundamentals of business’s creation, growth and transformation to effectively lead and manage organizations; Learn the key elements of business mode; Able to outline the business case for a new product or service; Able to analyze business situations and develop strategies; Able to define personal or corporate challenge or opportunity and its competitive advantage.
5607404* |
Current Issues in Arts & Scientific Research CURR ISS A/S RES |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
A summary of the historical development of arts and scientific research; the advances, functions and implications of arts/scientific research in society. Explore the ethics of arts and scientific research a foundation for thinking about and recognizing the ethical dimensions of a variety of issues. Familiar with current ethical debates in a range of arts and scientific fields. Topics will include: misconduct in arts and research, conflicts of interest and scientific objectivity, publication and peer review, intellectual property and ethical decision making. Engage these issues with the help of philosophical tools, apply these tools to case studies and be challenged to think broadly about the role of artists and scientists in society as well as learn how to critically assess the ethical consequences of science for humankind.
2.2.3) Practice |
5608101* |
Independent Study I IND STUDY I |
1 (1-0-2) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students have the opportunity to conduct an independent study with guidance from their faculty advisor which must be approved to make sure it meets academic criteria. The advisor and the student develop a learning plan for the semester and regular meetings take place to discuss the student’s project. Students are expected to hand in written work on a regular basis. Students may not repeat the same course number for credit either in the same or in a different semester. |
5608102* |
Independent Study II IND STUDY II |
2 (2-0-4) |
Prerequisite: None |
Students have the opportunity to conduct an independent study with guidance from their faculty advisor which must be approved to make sure it meets academic criteria. The advisor and the student develop a learning plan for the semester and regular meetings take place to discuss the student’s project. Students are expected to hand in written work on a regular basis. Students may not repeat the same course number for credit either in the same or in a different semester. |
5608103* |
Independent Study III IND STUDY III |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
The independent study course requires program approval to enroll. Students in this course may conduct individual or group projects focused on research, literature review, or extension/enhancement of other coursework, especially in Food and Drug Technology for Wellbeing field. All work is conducted under supervision and evaluation of the student’s advisor to be submitted to the course coordinator. The advisor and the student will develop a learning plan for the semester and regular meetings take place to discuss the student’s project. Students are expected to hand in written work on a regular basis and deliver outputs as designed to achieve the learning objectives of the study.
5608301* |
Workshop in Integrated Innovation I WKSP INTG INNO I |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
International workshop related to major area of interest jointly organized by college and partner from government, industry or corporation.
5608302* |
Workshop in Integrated Innovation II WKSP INTG INNO II |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
International workshop related to major area of interest jointly organized by college and partner from government, industry or corporation.
5608303* |
Workshop in Integrated Innovation III WKSP INTG INNO III |
3 (2-2-5) |
Prerequisite: None |
International workshop related to major area of interest jointly organized by college and partner from government, industry or corporation.
5608311* |
Internship in Integrated Innovation I INTN INTG INNO I |
3 (1-6-2) |
Prerequisite: None |
Internship to study and takes the innovation experience a step further, allowing you to gain practical experience and delve further into cutting-edge technology and research.
5608312* |
Internship in Integrated Innovation II INTN INTG INNO II |
3 (1-6-2) |
Prerequisite: None |
Internship to study and takes the innovation experience a step further, allowing you to gain practical experience and delve further into cutting-edge technology and research.
5608313* |
Internship in Integrated Innovation III INTN INTG INNO III |
3 (1-6-2) |
Prerequisite: None |
Internship to study and takes the innovation experience a step further, allowing you to gain practical experience and delve further into cutting-edge technology and research.
5608321* |
International Field Study I INT FLD STUD I |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
International field trip to study and conduct research related to major area of interest at government, industry or corporation facilities abroad.
5608322* |
International Field Study II INT FLD STUD II |
3 (3-0-6) |
Prerequisite: None |
International field trip to study and conduct research related to major area of interest at government, industry or corporation facilities abroad.
3) |
Free Elective Courses |
not less than |
6 |
credits |
Prerequisite: None |
Elective Courses can be taken at any international programs across university.