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Lessons from the Mountain B fire: A Commentary in the Bangkok Post

A commentary titled “Lessons from the Mountain B fire” has been published by the Executive Director of the Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (ScII), Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai in the Bangkok Post.

Besides mentioning the reasons why fires spread, Prof Worsak writes about the Fire Safety Protocol in the three phases — Fire Prevention Phase, Fire Control Phase, and Life Saving Phase.

He concludes the commentary by stating:

“If you must attend a crowded, enclosed space like the Mountain B Pub. The first thing that you should do is to find out and memorise the exact locations of all the exits. Imagine the following: If there was a fire, could you safely leave the building within three minutes? If not, then you should probably leave immediately.”

Published on the edit page of the Bangkok Post, it can be read at this link:

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