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With AI, Students Will Get a Digital Twin That Can Learn on Their Behalf

With the mainstreaming of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the establishment of an AI lab at the Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (CSII), every student will be able to generate their own Digital Twin, which will accompany them in their classrooms, learn, and share on their behalf. Each digital twin will be unique to each student and be capable of mimicking the student’s learning style and preferences.

This was stated by Anders Hasle Nielsen of the LB&A Consortium, in an interview conducted last week. The interview is reproduced here.

Question: Can you explain in more detail how your AI tool, FRAIA, is different from traditional chatbots like Chat GPT, and what unique features it offers?

Anders: FRAIA is personalized AI.

FRAIA is designed to build a framework tailored to individual users. It aims to understand the specific needs and preferences of the user and to provide customized responses and information. For example, if a student is interested in taking machine learning courses, FRAIA can help them find the courses best suited to their needs. FRAIA focuses on quality and accuracy. It not only provides information, but also helps users navigate and assess the quality of the information they receive.

Uniquely, FRAIA also focuses on building AI around the individual user rather than providing a generalized experience. While popular generative AI chatbots like those from Google or OpenAI work on a broader scale, FRAIA takes a more personal and user-centric approach. It aims to understand the unique needs and context of each user and provide AI-driven support tailored to them.

Anders Hasle Nielsen

Question: Earlier, you mentioned that 85 percent of AI projects do not make it to the finish line. How does FRAIA address the challenges that often lead to the failure of AI projects?

Anders: FRAIA addresses the challenges that often lead to the failure of AI projects in several ways. One of the key challenges in AI projects is a lack of understanding of the domain. We overcome this challenge by focusing on building a strong foundation in the domain the tool operates in. Another common challenge in AI projects is the availability of capital. FRAIA has the advantage of having strong backing from Seier Capital, a venture capital firm based in St Gallen, Switzerland. This financial stability allows FRAIA to continue its work and deliver results without running out of capital prematurely.

Additionally, FRAIA acknowledges the exponential nature of AI development and the rapid pace of technological advances. To address this challenge, FRAIA is committed to staying at the forefront of AI innovation.

At FRAIA, we practice what we preach. One solution we are developing is a service that accelerates our own learning process. This same tool is also intended for students. In a constantly changing environment, a crucial ability is to quickly learn and adapt to new knowledge. To deal with this challenge, FRAIA aims to facilitate this self-learning and hasten the process.

Question: How will the collaboration with CSII transform the learning experience for students?

Anders: The CSII collaboration is rooted in the vision of creating cutting-edge tools that empower students. We intend to offer students a powerful resource that goes beyond traditional educational methods and leverages the capabilities of AI. These tools can provide personalized learning experiences, recommend additional resources, and offer real-time feedback to students.

FRAIA plans to collaborate with experts or to hire skilled professionals who focus on innovative ways to utilize AI technology. While FRAIA is a specialist in technology, we recognize the need for expertise in didactics, the art and science of teaching.

Question: Could you elaborate on the goals and objectives of the upcoming AI lab at our university as well as on how it aims to contribute to both research and practical applications in the field of AI?

Anders: The upcoming AI lab at CSII will be a valuable resource that will provide students with a tool that enhances their learning experiences by allowing them to extract high-quality information. The lab will enable students to interact with AI models, particularly in the context of continuous optimization and benchmarking.

We are also developing a tool for teachers and professors to create advanced, subject-specific knowledge chat models. These models will improve over time through student interaction and feedback. This approach will ensure that students have access to high-quality knowledge.

Question: From a user perspective, what is the product that will be created?

Anders: From a user’s perspective, the immediate product of FRAIA is a mobile app. Here is what this mobile app will do and how it aims to revolutionize the learning process, especially when compared to existing generative AI. It will gather various types of information from multiple sources, including lectures, websites, YouTube videos, and more. It will also promote personalized learning by integrating lecture materials with other educational resources. Students will be able to interact with the content, ask questions, and participate in discussions with peers and teachers. The app will offer a holistic learning platform that will go beyond the capabilities of existing generative AI solutions. It will enable users to curate, annotate, and personalize their educational materials, which will promote deeper engagement and understanding.

Question: What is the timeline for the rollout and for any upcoming milestones or developments users and potential clients can look forward to?

Anders: The initial step will involve creating the backend cloud infrastructure, which is expected to take less than one month. Following the backend setup, the development of the mobile app is the next milestone, and it is estimated to take one and a half to two months. Once the app has been created, the focus will shift to enhancing its dynamism and usability. This phase will aim to make the app more stable and suitable for scaling. Then a testing phase will follow the development process to ensure the app’s functionality, quality, and stability. The first version of the app will be released to a select group of students for testing and initial use. After further refinement and testing, the app will be released to everyone at Chulalongkorn University. Finally, there are plans to release the app to external audiences towards the end of the year.

Question: Security and privacy are major concerns in AI development. How can we ensure data security and user privacy, especially with the implementation of blockchain technology?

Anders: We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a trusted cloud infrastructure provider, which is known for its robust security measures. Blockchain is incorporated into the system to ensure data integrity and accountability. FRAIA also utilizes local AI models, which means that user data and interactions are processed locally on the user’s device. This approach reduces reliance on external services and minimizes data exposure to third parties. In the future, the platform plans to deploy the AI models directly on users’ local mobile devices, which will further enhance data privacy. Finally, FRAIA does not rely on public APIs or external providers for processing user data, which limits data exposure and maintains control over how data is handled.

Question: Looking ahead, what do you envision as the future of this lab and your collaboration with CSII?

Anders: We envision a transformative educational experience where every student will have a digital twin. This digital twin will play a significant role in expanding and enhancing learning opportunities. Thanks to this digital twin, students will be able to share and exchange knowledge effortlessly, engage in discussions, seek assistance, or share insights with their peers, friends, or family members. The digital twin will be available 24/7 and will be capable of mimicking the student’s learning style and preferences. It will be able to attend classes, gather information, and even learn on behalf of the student, which will make the learning process highly personalized.

The digital twin concept opens up new possibilities for interactive and personalized education, which will make learning more engaging and accessible than ever before.

FRAIA is committed to helping you develop the best version of yourself. We begin with version 1.0, and by continuously integrating our knowledge into your personal digital twin, we will soon progress to version 1.01, and so on. Thanks to the creation of new AI technologies, we can significantly enhance your abilities by leveraging your personal knowledge. This means that we can make substantial leaps and move directly to versions 2.0 or even 3.0 instead of progressing incrementally. 

FRAIA is a lifelong learning platform that aims to give you a competitive edge. In a world where everyone has a mobile phone, our goal is to enhance your access to knowledge 24/7. By equipping this tool with individual AI capability, we strive to put you at the forefront of learning and development.

About LB&A Consortium: The LB&A Consortium comprises LionBrain Co. Ltd. and Anders H.L Soft Co. Ltd. Along with his colleagues from Denmark, Anders is already in Thailand and is currently in the process of establishing an AI lab at CSII. The Consortium has recently signed a partnership agreement with CSII with the intent of transforming the educational landscape in Thailand and beyond.

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