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Blog Post

OpEd on Empowering Youth to Become Sustainability Leaders
Blog Post December 7, 2023

OpEd on Empowering Youth to Become Sustainability Leaders

Our new faculty member Dr. Sawaros Thanapornsangsuth has penned an OpEd titled “Empowering Youth to Become Sustainability Leaders” in the Diplomatic Courier. The OpEd highlights the crucial role of education in sustainable development, showcasing how hands-on, human-centric courses empower students.. Read more

Intelligence is Contextually Defined Pattern Recognition: My Take on the LVM vs. LLM Conundrum
Blog Post December 6, 2023

Intelligence is Contextually Defined Pattern Recognition: My Take on the LVM vs. LLM Conundrum

BLOG POST by Poomjai Nacaskul, Ph.D.Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (CSII),Poomjai.N@chula.ac.th— 2023.12.06 — Intelligence Is Contextually Defined Pattern Recognition I should like to believe there is some kind of provident or serendipitous reason why I am a faculty of \”Applied.. Read more

Does Prototyping (as Part of a Hackathon Pitch) Kill Creativity?
Blog Post November 27, 2023

Does Prototyping (as Part of a Hackathon Pitch) Kill Creativity?

BLOG POST by Poomjai Nacaskul, Ph.D.Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (CSII),Poomjai.N@chula.ac.th — 2023.11.20  — This piece will be super short guys. First of all, don’t get me wrong. I love prototyping. In fact, you can almost say that I built my career.. Read more

Students’ Voice and Global Vision: CSII Students Shine at UN ESCAP Forum
Awards & Distinctions Blog Post Events November 24, 2023

Students’ Voice and Global Vision: CSII Students Shine at UN ESCAP Forum

Blogpost by Atamfon Wilson Udofia* – CSII Student Earlier this month, as I stood with my fellow students at the United Nations Convention Centre in Bangkok, it was a daunting moment. Yet, for the nine of us, this was a.. Read more

OK, let’s talk GPT
Blog Post June 8, 2023

OK, let’s talk GPT

BLOG POST by Poomjai Nacaskul, Ph.D.Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (ScII),Poomjai.N@chula.ac.th — 2023.06.07  — 1. First of all, let’s get the nomenclature out of the way. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) was what we now refer to generically as a Large Language Model (LLM) first introduced to the.. Read more

Festivities and Talent Display Welcome Prospective Applicants at Open House
Admission Blog Post Events News April 7, 2023

Festivities and Talent Display Welcome Prospective Applicants at Open House

A host of activities, festivities, project showcase, talent display, lectures, and workshops welcomed prospective applicants on the occasion of Open House organized by the Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation (ScII) on 1-2 April 2023. Themed as ‘DeScII Your Tomorrow,’ the event,.. Read more

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